Voter Registration for Juniors and Seniors


Aubteen Pour-Biazar, Writer

This Thursday and Friday, Bob Jones seniors will be given the opportunity to register to vote during lunch in the cafeteria. One must be at least 17 1/2 to register to vote and turn 18 before they can vote in an election. For example, someone who will be 17 1/2 years old when they register to vote will not be eligible to vote in the November 3rd election or any other municipal election until the day they turn 18. A driver’s license or the last four digits of a social security number are needed to register to vote.
Moreover, on Saturday, October 17th from 9 AM to 12 PM (noon), the Bob Jones High School SGA is sponsoring a community voter registration drive at the Dublin Park Recreation Center. This drive is open to both high school students and adults in the community. There will be members of the BJHS SGA and the JCHS student council outside of the recreation center to direct people toward it.
Both of these events are great opportunities for students and community members to register to vote for the upcoming election. As Americans, we have no greater civic responsibility than that of voting, and registering to vote at the age of eighteen ensures that one’s voice is heard in our political process as soon as possible.