Energy Drinks, The Pros and Cons


Ethan Merinda, Writer

Energy drinks?  Do you love them, or do you hate them? A small poll conducted at Bob Jones showed Monster and Redbull as the favorite energy drinks, but apparently, even with the rising energy drink tide, many students still don’t have an opinion on energy drinks.  And there’s good reason–energy drinks can be dangerous.

Energy drinks have severe downsides if overused or abused.  A caffeine overdose can be deadly, and it has claimed lives before, As Jared Brown and Naren Gunja said in Energy Drinks: Health Risks and Toxicity, “Adverse reactions and toxicity from high-energy drinks stem primarily from their caffeine content.”  Caffeine is the drug that keeps students alert during class, but it is also addictive. It can also have the opposite effect as caffeine crashes can cause extreme exhaustion.  In addition, caffeine can cause heart attacks, and it has done so before.

Dallas Joyner confirmed that even with the health concerns, he is still a fan of energy drinks. Caleb Moyers said, “They are good and bad.  When used in moderation, they can help someone get through the day without burning out until the end. When abused, they can lead to serious medical complications.” 

If used in a responsible manner, energy drinks can be give students the pep they need to make it through the day.