Five Christmas Classics

Five Christmas Classics

Hayden Madison, Writer

Since there are five days until Christmas, you have time to watch five Christmas classics. One of the best things you can do this time of year is to bundle up on the couch with a mug of hot cocoa and watch cheesy and heartwarming Christmas movies. I’ve assembled this list to make it easier for you:

  1. Home Alone- What a classic. Surely everyone has seen this fil, where the little boy gets left at home and is forced to defend himself from some naughty burglars. If that doesn’t say Christmas, then I don’t know what does.
  2. Elf- This one is a wild one if we are being honest. It features Will Ferrel dressed as an elf in the streets of New York searching for his biological father, even though he was raised by the well-known Santa Claus.
  3. It’s a Wonderful Life- This film is definitely a classic considering it was filmed in 1946. In summation, it’s about a very stressed out businessman who is considering ending it all. Then he meets his guardian angel who shows him what life would have been like if he never existed. This one is definitely a tear-jerker.
  4. A Christmas Story- This movie takes place in the 1940s and is more of a comedic film. It’s about a troublesome boy who tries to convince everyone that a good Christmas present for him would be a “Red Ryder air rifle.”
  5. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation- This one is one of my favorites. Clark Griswold is just a dad who wants to have a perfect Christmas; however, nothing seems to go right for him or his family ever.

Of course, you can watch as many Christmas movies as you want, but if you’re not quite feeling the holiday spirit yet, these particular movies will kickstart your Christmas cheer.